Saturday, October 04, 2008

Today's quote

Daisy takes after her father in that she is a never-ending spout of quotations-- lines she has picked up from books, songs, and, yes, some videos and TV shows we've let her watch. She seems to have inherited Mark's amazing memory. We often hear her repeating some line over and over, and it takes us awhile to figure out where it is from (also, she has started correcting my memory about books, and I'm finding she's absolutely right most of the time). Some of the time, though, we can't figure out where she's getting something, and that was the case tonight. During her bath she kept shouting, "So many voices! So many choices!"

She hates having her hair washed and has started acting as though it's actually a trauma. She lies there trembling while I rinse the soap off and, often, repeating some line from a book that she finds comforting in order to soothe herself during the horrific process. Tonight as I rinsed her hair, she cried shrilly, "So many voices! So many choices! So many voices! So many choices!" the whole time. It was very strange and funny, especially since I don't know where she gets that line.


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