Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy birthday, Mama!

Daisy wishes me a happy birthday almost every day, and I've had to explain to quite a few neighbors that it isn't actually my birthday or anywhere near it, while she is hollering her birthday wishes at me in the lobby of our building. I think she thinks it means, "I love you," or something like that. She is also REALLY into creating Playdoh birthday cakes, sticking candles in them, and presenting them to people.

She has been a little crankier than usual, and like every other time in the past, I am pretty sure it means she's on the brink of some developmental advances. She's doing a LOT more pushing my hand away and saying, "I'll do it all by myself," and she's been walking downstairs by herself, holding the rail instead of my hand... often, holding the rail with both hands. I know, most kids her age have already been doing this a long time, but it's been a big deal for her.

It's been a long time since we've had any sleeping problems with her-- she usually goes to bed between 8 and 8:30 and sleeps till 6:30 or 7 with no problems whatsoever-- but the last couple nights she's been calling from the bedroom, asking for more milk. And we've been giving it to her, which is probably a mistake. Soooo... again, when I look back on it, she was always somewhat crankier and had sleeping issues when she was on the brink of a milestone. I figure these milestones will be potty-training and greater physical independence! We'll see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! ;-)

I think Daisy enjoys the celebratory aspect and giving people good wishes and little treats (the play-doh cakes). She's discovered it can make you feel good to give others good wishes. I know I like making food for others!

3:15 AM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

I hope you are right, Katherine! That would mean she is developing into a kind person... despite some evidence to the contrary. (Just kidding--I am sure she is like most other 2-year-olds in that she can be difficult and, for example, a bad sharer with other kids.)

7:19 PM  

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