Potty training, day five
Soooo... after all my moaning and whining about potty-training, I think Daisy has kind of got the hang of it, and she really got to that point in only four days. I know she's still going to have accidents, and we have not figured out what to do when we're away from home, since she's only going in her kiddie potty and seems afraid of the grownup potty. BUT: she had a massive poop in her potty today, and her last three poops have all been in the potty. She worked on it a long, long time, going back and forth from the potty about 200 times before she finally got it out. So she hasn't mastered the timing yet. And she also peed a lot in the potty today (and some in her pullup).
So it's not perfect yet, by any means, but we have made SO MUCH PROGRESS since five days ago when she screamed and cried at the mention of the potty. She is asking to use it, and seems reluctant to go in her pullup. She's definitely getting there.
I learned something, too (though this may not hold true for others): the reward system we tried had almost no effect at all. She liked getting the rewards, but not so much that she'd use the potty as a way of getting them. No. It became absolutely clear, once she started getting the hang of it, that she just wanted to get it right. She wanted to succeed at this task, once it had started. She has not asked for a reward in days and seems just totally thrilled whenever she gets pee or poo in the potty, just because she knows she's accomplishing something. I am glad; that seems a lot healthier and more productive than the rewards system (though don't get me wrong--I was willing to go with it, if it had worked). I honestly think she just wants to be good at going to the potty for its own sake.
So it's not perfect yet, by any means, but we have made SO MUCH PROGRESS since five days ago when she screamed and cried at the mention of the potty. She is asking to use it, and seems reluctant to go in her pullup. She's definitely getting there.
I learned something, too (though this may not hold true for others): the reward system we tried had almost no effect at all. She liked getting the rewards, but not so much that she'd use the potty as a way of getting them. No. It became absolutely clear, once she started getting the hang of it, that she just wanted to get it right. She wanted to succeed at this task, once it had started. She has not asked for a reward in days and seems just totally thrilled whenever she gets pee or poo in the potty, just because she knows she's accomplishing something. I am glad; that seems a lot healthier and more productive than the rewards system (though don't get me wrong--I was willing to go with it, if it had worked). I honestly think she just wants to be good at going to the potty for its own sake.
I think she is getting a reward so much more important--your expression of love and pride in her success. Plus, it seems like you aren't pressuring her too much so when she doesn't succeed perfectly yet, she gets unconditional love anyway. Way to go on your parenting success! This is a huge milestone and _you_ two should feel pride :-)
Do they make portable potties to take to public restrooms or other people's houses? We never used the practice potty much so I am not sure. Seems like they make solutions for everything nowadays.
PS--Thank you for your card--it did get to us a couple of weeks ago. I owe you an email...and I want to find out from you what you will be doing this semester...
PPS--Does Daisy have the book Everybody Poops (I think that is the title)?
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