Thursday, January 08, 2009

Potty training, day two

Daisy got a lot of pee in the potty today, according to Mark. She also wore a pullup for a portion of the day because we had to go out and she just isn't ready for prime time. I didn't want to be cleaning poo and pee off the library rug. What's worrying me, though, is that she doesn't seem able to get a poo out into the potty today. She gets the Poo Look on her face, I rush her to the potty, and... nothing happens. I guess she's tensing up her muscles or something. I've been making the poor girl sit there for long periods of time, to try to relax, but nothing comes out. Then it's like the second she gets off she's ready to poo-- in her underpants.

I HATE POTTY-TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like we've put a huge damper on our happy lives together. I wish she could just go on wearing her diaper. Really. I don't care. The thing that's pushing me forward with potty training, though, is that she's getting ready for preschool. Even if she goes to one that allows un-potty-trained kids, I don't know how comfortable she'll be having new people change her diaper. In her whole life, there have only been three people ever to do that.

So we are going to keep trying, unless it seems really traumatic for her. Then we'll wait and try again later, I guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry! This sound very hard! But just wanted you to know that your posts are very appreciated, and I'll be reading them over and over, until it is our turn.

For some reason, I don't mind changing diapers all that much either. Eric, on the other hand, is ready for them to go!!


4:27 PM  
Blogger Sarah Goss said...

Thanks, Adrienne! I would not say I'm an expert or anyone to emulate, at this point :-) But I will definitely let you know if I figure out any brilliant strategies for this.

It's funny that we feel the same way about diapers. I thought I was the only one! I told several people about my non-hatred of diaper-changing and they looked at me like I was insane. So, either I am NOT insane... or we are both insane!!! :-)

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that things are going well! I've been meaning to correct myself and that I'll likely be reading this up until, _while_ it's our turn and maybe after ;)


7:28 PM  

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