Monday, February 09, 2009

My phone and email connection are down

...and they may not be back for awhile. So if anyone who reads this blog needs to contact me, my cell phone's the only way right now (and I'm not being rude if I don't reply to email!). I am stealing a moment at the USF library computer lab to write this post. And it's probably the kind of post that just annoys people. But ha, I don't care; I'm going to post it anyway because it's so delightful:

Daisy was *perfect* at her doctor's appointment today. And by perfect, I mean PERFECT. She acted like an entirely reasonable human being. She politely cooperated while the doctor listened to her heart and lungs, put lights down both her ears, peered into her mouth, scratched her urticarias, inspected her privates, tapped and prodded several body parts,and lay her on the table and squished her stomach and various internal organs. She even said, "Thank you" to the doctor after the organ squishing. She was also flawlessly obedient at the weighing and measuring. For the record, she is 27 pounds, which is the 25th percentile for weight of kids her age, and she is almost 36 inches, which is the 50th percentile. Our doctor said she was right on her growth curve, coming along just as she should.

And THEN: she got a flu shot and she DID NOT CRY. Not even a little.

After that I had to go to work, so I'll have to check with Mark about how the rest of the day went. I am awfully proud of my two-year-old.


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